Did this one on our way to a GEO Meet and Greet. The first stage was hell to find.
So we sat on our butts and just pondered where it could possibly be. Now the hint was "IF YOU CAN'T FIND IT, "VENT" YOUR ANGER."
There was two vents on this item we were looking at. So Fawyn sat in front of one and I sat in front of one. We studied every part of those vents. Then Fawyn said give me a pen. All be damned what a clever hid. It was on a fish line tied to one of the vent holes inside... awesome. Then we were off to the final stage.
This was the thing me and Fawyn sat infront of to figure out where the first stage was:

Which Fawyn found!!

Apparently the final stage is located where kids hang out and do a little something something.. lol
Fawyn searched over there -->

While I searched over here <--
I found it!

Here is a couple pictures of the M&G we attended. Didn't get to many pictures
do to it being just to damn cold out and we had to leave early..