Saturday, April 04, 2009

Who Needs a Multi

One of those days were I went out and about by myself. Now this one I have been to this location before, for another cache. This one was done with some thinking behind it. The first stage had me stumped for awhile. I seen the object in question but there was nothing on it. I almost gave up, then I spotted another of the same object and then "oh ya".. got it.
The second stage had me going back and forth to it and the final. I'm thinking what the heck am I doing wrong. Either that or the cache is gone. No my dumb ass didn't look on both sides of the handle. Good Gravy!! Once the duh factor wore off I went right to the cache.
This whole cache and the area had me saying wtf a couple times. When I first got to the area I noticed pheasant laying around dead. One was out of a bag and there was two other ones laying in a bag. Weird. They didn't look like they been laying there for to long either.

First stage:

Second stage:

Well either the cache is in there or a dead

Found it finally after way to much time spent!

The TB I took to move along:

Out of Service

Second one of the day. This one was super easy. I drive by this area alot and always seen the canon. And I've always said that would be a great place for a cache. Well now there is one close enough!

No Way Out

Bridges and creeks! Love it. If I lived by a running creek I think I would be asleep all the time. The sound is so soothing. Ok, maybe for most the sound would make you have to go pee..LOL
Neat little area!

Lamberton Creek

Another place that was pretty cool today. One side of the road was all nature and flowing. The other side of the road was houses and the creek was calm and the yards looked really nice. The cache was pretty easy to find.

The side with the cache:

The side with the houses:

Friday, April 03, 2009

Not out there

We tried 4 of them today and this is the only one we could find.
Well I should say Brenton and is girlfriends two sisters tried to find them today.
We have to get them out more :)

Thursday, April 02, 2009

19 mile

Had to head to Cedar Springs today. So you know had to pick up newer caches while there.
This cache was super easy. They had another one in the back they put out but it was
to wet to get it. Have to go back on a later day.

Union Burying Grounds

This was so cool. I have known this cemetery since I was nine. Every time we would drive by I would see the grave with the black fence around it and it would aww me.
So today was the day to finally get out and look at it up close and personal. Now let me tell you I had to have a picture taken with it. When I was leaned up against it I was a smart ass and licked the headstone. When I went to step away one of the post fell. It came real close to hitting my foot. Talk about scarey. Apparently Albert didn't like being licked.
This cemetery is very peaceful. When here you feel something!

Tracy found it today!

These headstones were just leaning against the tree. Sad really! They need to go back where they are meant to be.

The famous Albert..

Monday, March 30, 2009

Under Dog

I couldn't quit laughing while doing this one. For some reason it took my gps awhile to kick in. The boys got tired of waiting and went on their own to dirty cache. They were way over there and me and Fawyn were over here waiting for the gps. It finally kicked in and I looked at Fawyn and said shhhh... so we started running towards the cache. The boys were in the opposite side of where it was. I looked back and Brenton noticed we were running and started running. OMG to funny. I didn't know this old ass could kick it in gear and I ran and slid into the geocahe. FOUND IT!!!

Going through the goodies..

Posing of course!

Bobby trying to be he-man..

Squeals like a fish

We tried this one on the 17th and had no luck. If it wouldn't have been so wet out I'm sure we would have done it. We tried again today and found it. Let me tell you why we found it. There is a sign that says no trespassing!

So of course we didn't. So we took the fence that runs along the highway the first time. We could only go so far and there was this water that we would have to cross to get to it. The water was super deep.

After seeing bobby almost go waist deep we decided forget it we'll come another day.
I did take some pictures on the 17th of our adventure.
These were by were we parked..super cool..

First sign of spring..

The trail we took the first time.

Interesting "reading" along the

The disappointing walk back..

So today we take the "illegal" way..

They never wait..

Almost there..

Brenton found it..

Going through the goodies..

The Kritter Gang..