Now a note to self when ever doing this again is to make sure we have more then one gps in the car with us.
Alot of teams paired up and had 3 or more gps with them, so it made it alot easier to put multi cords in. I had to put one at a time in and hope for the best.
At the start point they threw the 25 cordinates in the air and you had to snatch and run to your car and get started. OMG talk about the adrenline rush. That alone was fun as hell snatching the cords from someone and knocking them out of the way...LOL
So I get mine and run back to the car. Now mind you I'm not a runner and my team was laughing their ass off at me. We had 6 people in our van. I took Bobby, Fawyn, Brenton, Paige and Josh. I was team captain so I'm the one that had to stay and grab the cords. My old ass was
I get in and said out of breath lets go. We were lucky with the first cords I put in. We went right there and were the first to find that one. Then off we went while I punched in a random cord for the second stage. Now that one wasn't so easy to find, infact we didn't, so I had to punch in a different cord and off we went to that one. We did find that one!
I hate the fact that I didn't take enough pictures. We were so adrenline pumped and bailing out of the van to find these cords that we just didn't get pictures.
Here is the information on the Event it self:
* Complete the GeoRally Waiver/Release of Responsibility.
* Bring a happy-go-lucky attitude.
* Recruit a driver/navigator.
* $10 entry fee per team (Geocaching player account) (to help with cost of pizza, prizes, and set-up)
* Rally is limited to 25 vehicles (Strongly recommend teaming together for extra eyes)
* Flying Solo is okay. Rallying with children is okay, too.
* Before the event, log that you will attend. In your log, write the Geocaching player account name of your vehicle Driver, Navigator, and any Back-Seat Driver(s) if you already know
- 1:30 - Sign-in
- 1:50 - Final directions
- 2:00 - Rally starts
- 4:00 - Rally ends
- 4:30 - Pizza
Other Info:
* Rally starts at 2PM SHARP!- plan to arrive by 1:30 for sign-in, vehicle organization and final directions.
* Location cards will be tossed into the air with the 25 different 1st Stage coordinates.
* 25 (Stage 1) film canisters (or similar) have been placed (small Traditional GeoCaches not listed on approximately the same distance from the GeoRally Start.
* 25 (Stage 2) Tokens have also been placed at approximately the same distance from the GeoRally Start.
* Teams select, find, and take one 1st Stage(Film Canister) containing some of the Stage 2 locations.
* Teams then proceed to and take 2nd Stage(Token) of their choice
* Team with both a stage 1 and stage 2 to return first wins.
* Limit 1 Film Canister Stage and 1 Token Stage per vehicle.
* Teams holding both stages will be ranked higher than teams holding just one of the stages.
* Total straight line distance for event not to exceed 20 miles (you may choose to drive it a bit further based on your road choice).
* Any vehicle not returned by 4:00 will be ranked below vehicles that do.
* We have an indoor facility for the whole time, so non-drivers/non-riders are welcome to stay during the rally.
* Inappropriate or reckless behavior may be grounds for disqualification at judges' discretion.
* Event may be modified due to inclement weather.
1. $50 gas card
2. $40 gas card
3. $25 gas card
4. $20 gas card
5. Large Lock&Lock Container
6. Large Lock&Lock Container
7. Medium Lock&Lock Container
8. Medium Lock&Lock Container
9. Small Lock&Lock Container
10. Small Lock&Lock Container
* Pizza and Pop (indoors)
* Trade items @ "Trackable Pit Road"
We came in 18th place out of 25 cars. Took us 1 hour and 24 minutes to do.
I don't care what place we took it was loads of fun, even if I had to bail a team member out of
Us getting ready before the Event.
One of the cars in the parking lot decked out to kick some ass!!!
Fawyn found both stages..
Paige going up to get her raffle prize..