Monday, April 02, 2007

PB-2 Hardy Pond View

Nice hike with this one. It's a 3 stager and the first stage about scared the hell out of Fawyn.

There were alot of mounds on this trail. I don't know exactly what they were but they were probably ant hills or something to that fact. I didn't take no pictures of them, but that's one thing we talked about on this one. We discussed what they might be and I told Fawyn that their probably dead geocachers that didn't find the final I know I'm awful, but it's fun!!

Here is a couple pictures of the view that we had>>

It don't look like it, but that shore down there was WAY DOWN THERE!!

That's a whole lot of water!

Second Stage>>


PB-2 Trail Trek

This cache is one of those that there is a little hide away waiting for you. It was a perfect spot to just sit and relax. Maybe read a book or just get lost in thought.