Wow this cache was awesome! It had 5 stages to it.
The first stage I'm still trying to figure out how they did that. The clue was: If you are feeling board, look up and you'll nail it. Well we looked and looked at that board and of course we were looking at all the nails. Rolls eyes at this point, ya it was on the nails alright.. good grief... seriously it was great.
We got all the way to stage 4 and just couldn't find it. I think we stood on that bridge looking for the clue for at least a hour and a half, with no luck.
So that night I emailed the person and asked if they could give us a hint. They said its something that's rusty and attached to the bridge. Ok so the next day Tracy and I go out looking again.
Well obviously what we thought was it, wasn't!! It tooks us to a open field that had nothing.
So once again I went back and asked for another hint. Pretty much the same thing.
So the next day me and my oldest went out and looked. Tracy suggested something, and we went right to that area and yep that was it. How the people managed that hide amazes me also.
Without the hint I would have never ever looked there.
So I put the new coords in and off we went. Found the cache in about 10 minutes.
Of course I noticed this fake frog and said hey I found it... and at the same time my daughter was like no I found it... I picked up the frog and on the bottom of it, it said your close, hop to it.
Ya, you got it, my daughter found the true cache.. lol