Saturday, October 07, 2006

Walking Through the Tall Pines

This cache was our 3rd and final of the day. It's a daycare so we waited for the weekend to do this one. Good thing cause we can't refuse playground equipment, so we would have looked pretty silly playing on the stuff while the kids noses were plastered to the window looking at the silly grownups.. LOL

As you know again I can't do anything easy. They said to approach the North end
of the tree line. Ooooo, NO we can't make it that easy...sheesh. We parted trees and bushwacked a few thorns and then guess what we came upon a Who would have guessed..
Of course the girls gave me that look again. I think that phrase that 'if looks could kill' fits in here pretty well.. (smiles to self)

The area the cache was in was pretty cool. I know, I know how cool can so many woods be after Well it just all depends if you like nature or not. I always notice weird things or just the way the trees are. The tree this was hidden in was pretty big and dark. Guess ya had to be there..LOL


THEY ARE SUCH GOOD LOOKERS! Of course they are competeing to see who finds
it first, but we won't tell anyone that.


Dewlou's Stash 4

This cache was the first time we got to see other fellow cachers!!
As I was pulling up to park, the were leaving the cache area. I waved
to them as they passed by. I looked at who it was in the log book.
Team Twizz..HI GUYS!! :)

Of course I think everyone is a cacher now as we go down park trails or
But its the gps that sorta gives it away.

This cache was just a micro, but non the less cool to do.

Fort Cache

This cache felt sorta weird cause we had to go into someones back yard.

But I was hopeing to see the hiders of the cache, but to no avail.

We took one of my daughters friends with us today. She had been listening

to us talk about it and wanted to go. She was pretty good at it for her first time..

The cache was chucked full of goodies!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Key Note Address

When we pulled into the area of this cache, I was like oh no, this can't be good.
We tried a cache in this area before and had no luck. It's the trees that make it hard to follow the gps. But we were determined this time to do this one, cause we couldn't find another one earlier today in a different area.
Usually we don't mind if we can't find it, we just go back and ask for a hint.
But we brought Tracys mom with us today to show what we've been doing. So we were excited to show her hows its done. I picked a 5 stage one that I thought would be pretty interesting to her and a bit tricky. But the first stage to that one was hard to read so we guess-ta-mated and I think we were wrong. After 2 hours of trying we gave up. She was wore out with all the walking with that one. So I said come on lets do this one stage cache so you know what its like. But like I said when we pulled up I was like oh great. If I would have known how this one was like after getting into it I wouldn't have dragged her into this one either. She isn't a spring chicken.
This cache was by far the worse climbing one we have done so far. The hills to get to it were outstanding and then the actual location of the cache looked like a damn drop off. I said ummm, I'm not going down there and either is mom.
So Tracy took off and found it.. So we baby stepped our way down the slope and braced ourselves against stumps so we wouldn't keep going.
Even after all that, mom was excited and got a duck pin out of it..LOL
Tracy just looked at me like how the hell could you put my mother through all this... Hell I put myself through it


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin

This cache is a micro and was told it was a old machine that has
been a fixture on the NW side of Grand Rapids for awhile.
For the life of me I couldn't figure out what that could be off the top
of my head. But once there I was like oh ya! duh..
You just see it so much after so long that you don't think about it anymore.

Of course I didn't look as half as hard as Tracy did. She was all up in that machines

She was the finder of the cache though. I tried to picture this machine actually moving way back then. It is a cool piece of work, you should check it out!

Birthday of the Beast

What a terrific park. There were so many ducks and geese out today.
What's funny about this cache adventure is, is that me and Tracy were
walking along and she was like, "OMG look at all this dog shit we are
stepping in"!
I was thinking, wait there isn't any dogs allowed at this park. I look
a little better at the pills of poo and its duck shit...LOL
There was tons of it. No way of stepping around any of it. So our shoes have
been duck-a-fied.

The coords to this cache took us about 50ft from the actual cache. The woods by it were to thick. So this time Tracy had the gps and I took off looking.

Guess what?? I did find it. I'm starting to think like a true geocacher now I think. But sometimes the obvious isn't so. But this time it was. Wait maybe thats why I have the luck cause its to easy sometimes... lol