This cache is in Cedar Springs. Done by new cachers. They did a awesome
job on the hides. Very uniquely done.
My Grandma is buried in this cemetery. So that was a pleasure to pay respect to
her while here.
Picked up Tracy to go geocaching with us while in Cedar. She was happy to go, but now I know why..lol She always finds them.. :)
The first stage was pretty nifty. Theres only 100's of these steal
posts in the ground. Think they are water sprinkle things..lol

The Second Stage was very cool. Let's just say there is many things you can do with fishing string and a creative mind!

The Final Stage was like walking into part of a castle grounds. Very peaceful.

Tracy found the Cache!

Of course I had to keep this little odd ball creature! Now come on don't make fun
of the fella..lol