Last one of the day. This one was in my home town. I always passed the car pool and said you know I'm surprised there isn't a geo in there yet. Hmm.. well there is now :)
Fawyn and Keshia both sat this one out. Geez it's just rain :)

So me and Paige the die hards trek on to find the last one of the day.

Now see Paige is a hard player. She runs to where she thinks it might be.
She swore it was in this tree. Well she got stuck up in there and was yelling out, Mom I'm stuck come get me. I yell back, hey I'm looking for a geo here..lol
I found it and she moped all the way back to the car. Saying geez you could have gotten me out of the tree. I'm like what and miss out on finding the geo first..lmao

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