Went solo today. Everyone was sleeping so I said the heck with it and went out geocaching :)
I did five today in pretty much the same area.
Now when I arrived at the first one today I thought something was wrong with me gps cause it didn't want to catch and signal. I thought it might be cause it had the date on it wrong. Can't figure out how to change that one. So I took the batteries out and messed with it, then it decided it better kick in or it's going in the trash.
I kind of figured out where it was cause I knew I was in the right area.
GPS took me right to it. I'm sure people in the stores watching me was wondering what the heck this chick is doing walking around in the parking lot with a yellow thing pointed to the sky. Did I care? Not one bit...LOL

Hmmm should I sit down and think about it..

Found it!