Never new this cemetary was here and I pass it all the time.
That's what makes this geo cool cause I discovered something else that has
been infront of my face all along.

Here is what we had to do to find the prize!
The posted coordinates will take you to Eliza Cornell's headstone. Once you find the headstone, you will need to do the following math: Take the year that Eliza died and subtract 1817. Now take that number and enter it into the x's below. This will take you to the second stage.
N 43.07.0xx
W 85.33.068
These coordinates will take you to the headstone of Georgia Dawley. Find the year that she died and subtract 1821. Now enter this number into the coordinates below to find the 3rd stage.
N 43.07.0xx
W 85.33.063
These coordinates will take you to the headstone of Lucy J. Find the year Lucy J died and subtract 1811. Place this number into the x's below to find the final stage. The cache can be found at this stage.
N 43.07.0xx
W 85.33.033
This cemetery appears to have been forgotten by most, but is very unique and special.

A little picture pose afterwards :)

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