What a terrific park. There were so many ducks and geese out today.
What's funny about this cache adventure is, is that me and Tracy were
walking along and she was like, "OMG look at all this dog shit we are
stepping in"!
I was thinking, wait there isn't any dogs allowed at this park. I look
a little better at the pills of poo and its duck shit...LOL
There was tons of it. No way of stepping around any of it. So our shoes have
been duck-a-fied.

The coords to this cache took us about 50ft from the actual cache. The woods by it were to thick. So this time Tracy had the gps and I took off looking.

Guess what?? I did find it. I'm starting to think like a true geocacher now I think. But sometimes the obvious isn't so. But this time it was. Wait maybe thats why I have the luck cause its to easy sometimes... lol

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