go back and get everyone to help with.
It was a 2 stage cache.
Well the first time me and my oldest daughter went to look we
found the first stage no problem. It was the second stage.
The gps took us right ontop of it, but no luck.
A couple days later we all went out. I let Tracy and my youngest daughter at least find the first stage on their own, you know to get
in the mood..lol
Then we were all off to find the actually cache.
We all whined and complained cause we just weren't finding it. I think
the reason being is cause there was just to much trash laying around
that would catch our eye thinking that was it, and it wasn't.
After a few we heard Tracy yell out.. FOUND IT!! We love those words.
She had crawled on her hands and knees and finally found it up under a log, which was up under a tree with a whole lots of garbage laying around.. She was so thrilled.
There was bunches of goodies in this one.
We took a couple things and left a couple things.
Oh, ya thats the way it works. If you take something you leave something.
Most are filled with small 1.00 store trinkets. But really its not the prize, its the hunt for it thats fun!!

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