Well this cache was fun to try. It took 3 attempts to finally get it done, with 3 sets of different people..
The first attempt was with Fawyn and her 2 sisters. We got to stage 1 and found it, but it was obvious we didn't have the right coords. So when we got home I asked for a hint from the owners. I just had the first few numbers wrong..

Then a few days later Fawyn and her boyfriend and I went out to track down stage 2.
We freaking searched and searched the area. I usually do extra looking and go over the kids area of looking, but this time I didn't. Fawyn I thought had that one area pretty well covered.
Well we just couldn't find it.

So about a week later Tracy and I go out. Which I always grab Tracy when I'm stuck on a cache... I think I have giving her a big head on the situation, but she does find them thats for sure.
I went right to stage 2 when we started looking for it. I went over to where Fawyn was looking that day and there it was. I think its cause she was paying more attention to her boyfriend then the cache..lol

Then we were off to stage 3. Now after this one I will never think that .43 is close enough to walk to..
We did this up hill climb along a fence just to find out that it was on the other side
of John Ball Park... So we climbed back down the hill and I fell and slide down it..sheesh

So we drive over to the zoo area and take these steps up up up and freaking more up to the area of the cache. I'm telling ya, I really need to stop smoking, I didn't think I was going to make that climb.

There was a few sites to see while we were there though.

But we did, or I should say Tracy did find the cache!! It was well worth the 3 attempts to find it..

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