It doesn't suprise me at all that this was another great cache by the
Two Happy Hikers. They have another cache in the park and that was amazing.
So of course we had to do this one also.
The first stage was cute so I had to give it a

Off to the second stage. And of course Fawyn thought she was the shit finding
that one..

Of course you know its the hottest part of the day and we are dragging ass and bitching at each other. I said don't even think about giving up at this point. So
I made her laugh and distracted so I could find the next
Don't even ask me how I found this one considering that there is only 50 other
ones just like it on the bridge.

Took a picture of the beatiful sight of the stream, but you know it never really shows how truelly great it is in a picture :)

Stage 4 was pretty clever. I just hope no hungry critter wants it for lunch!!
This stage about made me loose my wits. I was on the ground upside down, backwards and what ever other positions there might be to make me look like I was a moron!! It took me about 20 minutes to find it. And that was by accident. Now Fawyn was such a great help sitting on the bench asking me if I was all right!! (insert here me rolling my
You can't really see all the dirt on me, but trust me I was a dirty girl!

Then Fawyn found the next stage and acted like it was the hardest thing she ever did... evil girl I'm telling

But I found the CACHE.. woohooo!!!!!!

Fawyn looking all psycho going through the cache...

It was really clever hide. I probably wouldn't have thought to look there, I just
happen to touch the log and it moved so hmmmmmm..