Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just Another Bridge To Cross

This cache was located in Comstock Park at a Bridge I didn't even know existed.
The creek runs under a store in town. It was awesome!!

Bobby cleaning out the creek. Always good for nature. I hate seeing
scrap metal in water. Don't people know what that does to animals.. good gravy!!

I did fine it.. woohooo

The "Grand" Rapids

There was no actual cache to find this time. This is what we had
to do to be able to claim this one.

Logging Requirements

To log this earthcache you will need to complete the following. All that should be posted with your log will be a photo. The answers should be e-mailed to us (via our profile) and not posted in your log. Go ahead and log your find at the same time you're sending your email answers.

  • Post a picture of yourself/team with the Grand River in the background.

    If you don't have a digital camera or don't want your picture posted here you may answer this alternate question instead in your email to us. What colors is the bridge painted that you're standing on?

Downtown at the rapids, the Grand River has changed dramatically over the years. Email us the answers to the following questions which can be found by observing the river from the posted coordinates.

  1. How wide is the river now?

  2. Can you see any rapids in the river?

Well we got the picture:

There was some rapids out that day only cause it was windy.
As far as how wide it was I haven't a clue.

Old Rockford Pioneer Cemetary

Never new this cemetary was here and I pass it all the time.
That's what makes this geo cool cause I discovered something else that has
been infront of my face all along.

Here is what we had to do to find the prize!

The posted coordinates will take you to Eliza Cornell's headstone. Once you find the headstone, you will need to do the following math: Take the year that Eliza died and subtract 1817. Now take that number and enter it into the x's below. This will take you to the second stage.

N 43.07.0xx
W 85.33.068

These coordinates will take you to the headstone of Georgia Dawley. Find the year that she died and subtract 1821. Now enter this number into the coordinates below to find the 3rd stage.

N 43.07.0xx
W 85.33.063

These coordinates will take you to the headstone of Lucy J. Find the year Lucy J died and subtract 1811. Place this number into the x's below to find the final stage. The cache can be found at this stage.

N 43.07.0xx
W 85.33.033

This cemetery appears to have been forgotten by most, but is very unique and special.


A little picture pose afterwards :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Q is for _ _ _ _ _

Q is for ->

This one was a micro and pretty easy to find.
Now see this new resturant took over The Clock. It burned down awhile ago.
I wish they would have just rebuilt the clock cause that was the best place ever.
I remember going there as a kid and playing the little juke boxs they had.
Then I took my kids there and they loved it also. Playing the music was something
to remember thats for sure. We had no shame and sung our hearts out.

So ya this cache brought back some fond memories :)

U is for _ _ _ _ _

This cache was in a ammo box so we were excited to do this after doing micros all day.
I'm think the U is for

But heck I could be wrong :(

When we came up on this one there was a snake and Bobby about shit his pants.
So I had to puff out my chest and go in and get it. Yet he takes credit for this one

A few pictures of us just because its so damn nice out today :)

L is for......

L is for_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
I haven't a clue. I thought it was Landscape. But its not... hmmm still thinking!

Ok nothing new here. We did this one the hard way. Of course
we knew to go into the Home Depot parking area but noooooo..
Bobby climbed the landscape to get to it. Which was cool anyways so
it was worth it.

Of course Bobby found this one :)

OH NO - Raleigh!

This was a fairly easy one today. Well ok when the gps said that we were right on top of it..ya well there was a pile of dog shit laying there. Needless to say we had a good laugh about that one :)

Bobby took credit for this one, but I'm the one that said hey look right there..sheesh I need to learn to not say anything.