Sunday, March 30, 2008


First cache find of the spring.. woohooo
Enjoyed stopping at the damn to watch people fish.

It was a bit chilly today to say the least, but those fools
out there were enjoying every minute of it.

Ok off to find the cache.
I brought with me my boyfriend, his daughter and my youngest daughter today.
We had a blast today!

Kesha trying to be all cute and stuff.. (it works)

My daughter Paiges eyeballs.. thats sexy.. good gravy.. lol

Cool a trail.. lol

It was a pretty cool hide actually. Even though I hate sticking
my hands or arms in dark places. God knows whats in there or down there!!!!

Bobby looking at whats inside the container and me signing the log book
that we were there :)

FC- 6th Street Bridge

Well the title to this cache pretty much gives it away where it was.

We did alot of goofing around on this one.
But isn't that part of the fun??

Paige getting our attention for a picture.. Ya you see how
grumpy we both look... geez

I'm thinking at this point Paige just is camera happy :)

Give me that camera!
I'm wondering if we are actually looking for the cache!!!

Oh I think we are getting close now ...

I think their thinking since their way ahead of me that their going to find
it first. Sure he might have the gps, but I have the no how.. lmao

WRONG!! Guess who found it???? ME ME ME

Some more pictures taken at the Bridge...

Damn don't you hate when that happens. Good ole air fish.. lol :)
Oh wait I know thats there for the flying fish.. Got it now..

Paige and Kesha looking like their ready to cry or something .. sheesh

Bobby about ready to go to jail.. but you know if I was 10 years younger I
would do it to..

The River "Grand"

This cache was done by the.."Two Happy Hikers"
Just knowing that is enough to tell me it would be tricky to find.
But having done alot of theirs I focused and won..

I am not showing the actual place of the cache cause that
would be a dead give away. But in the picture you can tell
it was a for sure mini cache.

Nope not up there!


I'm thinking at this point if I can write in this tiny little log book..

I told them to jump in and take a swim, but they just wouldn't do it..

I think their almost done with that building~
Been watching them build that for along time now..